Resume Keywords: An Effective Approach
To make yourself stand out through your resume is quite a task today. It is undoubtedly more complicated and grueling than you think. The world is exceedingly competitive, and there is always someone better running the race with you.
Unless you strategize how to be distinct from the lot, getting a job can be a painfully tough battle.
That is where Resume Keywords come into the picture. Resume Keywords are golden words from your job role that tailor your resume to help you fit that particular job position precisely. These keywords highlight your abilities and expertise in a unique and relevant manner and make your resume as suitable to the job opening as possible.
If your recruiter happens to use an Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) to shortlist potential candidates easily, then resume keywords are the exact keywords that he plugs into the ATS to clear the clutter and filter prospective candidates.
But how will you know which keywords your recruiter has used to shortlist candidates?
Fret not! Here is how you can find out Resume Keywords and judicially use them to attract your recruiter’s attention –
- Thoroughly scan the job description and pick up essential words –
- Research, examine, and identify words specific and vital to the industry –
- Learn and find out principal action verbs that can highlight your demonstrated actions –
- Appropriately position and distribute all the keywords –
- Experience Section – Judiciously use action verbs and keywords in this section to make your experience count.
- Education Section – If you have a list of achievements, this is an excellent place to highlight your personality with the help of attention-grabbing keywords.
- Skills Section – Put your skill sets in the spotlight by calling attention to the section using appropriate keywords.
- Garnish your resume with power-words or buzzwords –
Remember, the key is not to overdo anything. Too much of anything can kill the uniqueness and make your resume cliched or less reliable and made-up. Keep your resume detail-oriented, optimized as well as concise, and crisp at the same time.
An “all-knowing, hardworking perfectionist, with all the relevant abilities and a history of demonstrated expertise”, is a delusion. Don’t try to make your entire personality about the job role unnecessarily. Be you.